Accelerator ScienceNetworksEuroLumi, EuroNNac and RFTechLiterature and Presentations |
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Literature and Presentations |
F. Zimmermann, High-Energy Frontier Circular Colliders, KEK Accelerator Seminar, 23 July 2013
O. Bruning, M. Giovannozzi, V. Kain, M. Lamont, Y. Levinsen, S. Redaelli, P. Skowronski, R. Steinhagen, R. Tomas, F. Zimmermann, Summary of the 2013 LHC Optics Measurement and Correction Review, EuCARD-REP-2013-003
W. Scandale, UA9 Results from Crystal Collimation Tests in the SPS & Future Strategy, EuCARD-REP-2013-002
F. Zimmermann, LHC Status & Plan, LAL Orsay, 28 June 2013, EuCARD-PRE-2013-008
F. Zimmermann, Circular Higgs Factories & Possible Long-Term Strategy, oPAC Grand Challenge workshop, CERN, 26 June 2013, EuCARD-PRE-2013-007
F. Zimmermann, High-Energy Frontier Circular Colliders, Annual CHIPP Meeting, Sursee, 25 June 2013, EuCARD-PRE-2013-006
F. Zimmermann, Bending and Focusing with Plasmas and Crystals - Potential and Challenges, EuCARD'13 "Visions for the Future of Particle Accelerators," CERN, 11 June 2013.
F. Zimmermann, Summary of EuCARD WP4 Accelerator Science Networks "AccNet" 2009-2013, EuCARD2013 Final Annual Meeting, CERN, 10 June 2013, EuCARD-PRE-2013-009
F. Zimmermann, HL-LHC Accelerator, Higgs & Beyond Conference Tohoku University, Sendai 7 June 2013, EuCARD-PRE-2013-005
F. Zimmermann, LHC Status & Plan before HL-LHC, Higgs & Beyond Conference Tohoku University, Sendai 5 June 2013, EuCARD-PRE-2013-004.
M. Koratzinos, A.P. Blondel, R. Aleksan, O. Brunner, A. Butterworth, P. Janot, E. Jensen, J. Osborne, F. Zimmermann, J. R. Ellis, M. Zanetti, TLEP: A High-Performance Circular e+e- Collider to Study the Higgs Boson, Proc. IPAC'13 Shanghai, 12-17 May 2013, EuCARD-CON-2013-013
K. Ohmi, F. Zimmermann, Simulated Beam-Beam Limit for Circular Higgs Factories, Proc. IPAC'13 Shanghai, 12-17 May 2013, EuCARD-CON-2013-012
O. Dominguez, F. Zimmermann, Electron-Cloud Maps for the LHC Scrubbing Optimization, Proc. IPAC'13 Shanghai, 12-17 May 2013, EuCARD-CON-2013-011
O. Dominguez, F. Zimmermann, Beam Parameters and Luminosity Time Evolution for an 80-km VHE-LHC, Proc. IPAC'13 Shanghai, 12-17 May 2013, EuCARD-CON-2013-010
G.H.I. Maury Cuna, D. Sagan, G. Dugan, F. Zimmermann, Synchrotron-Radiation Photon Distributions for Highest Energy Circular Colliders, Proc. IPAC'13 Shanghai, 12-17 May 2013, EuCARD-CON-2013-009
O. Bruning, M. Klein, S. Myers, J. Osborne, L. Rossi, C. Waaijer, F. Zimmermann, Civil Engineering Feasibility Studies for Future Ring Colliders at CERN, Proc. IPAC'13 Shanghai, 12-17 May 2013, EuCARD-CON-2013-008
B. Yee-Rendon, R. Lopez-Fernandez, T. Baer, J. Barranco, R. Calaga, A. Marsili, R. Tomas, F. Zimmermann, Machine Protection Studies for a Crab Cavity in the LHC, Proc. IPAC'13 Shanghai, 12-17 May 2013, EuCARD-CON-2013-007
G. Franchetti and F. Schmidt, Summary of the Space Charge Workshop 2013 (SC-13), CERN, Geneva, 16-19 April 2013, EuCARD-REP-2013-001
F. Zimmermann, TLEP - The Machine, LAL 22 March 2013, EuCARD-PRE-2013-003
F. Zimmermann, Circular Higgs Factories: LEP3, TLEP and SAPPHiRE, CEA Saclay 25 February 2013, EuCARD-PRE-2013-002
F. Zimmermann, A Circular e+e- Collider to Study H(125) Properties - Accelerator, Frascati 14 February 2013, EuCARD-PRE-2013-001
R. Cimino, G. Rumolo, F. Zimmermann (eds.), Proceedings of ECLOUD'12: Joint INFN-CERN-EuCARD-AccNet Workshop on Electron-Cloud Effects, La Biodola, Isola d’Elba, Italy, 5-9 June 2012, EuCARD-CON-2013-001
O. Dominguez, K. Li, G. Arduini, E. Metral, G. Rumolo, F. Zimmermann, H. Maury Cuna, First electron-cloud studies at the Large Hadron Collider, published in Phys. Rev. ST - Accel. Beams 16, 011003 (2013), EuCARD-PUB-2013-009
F. Zimmermann, EuCARD WP4 Accelerator Networks (pdf), Report at 12th EuCARD Steering Committee Meeting Uppsala & CERN, 6 December 2012
K. Ohmi, Beam-Beam Simulations: Dynamical Effects and Beam-Beam Limit for LEP3, CERN, 4 December 2012, EuCARD-PRE-2012-004
K. Ohmi, Beam-Beam Synchro-Beta Resonance, CERN, 4 December 2012, EuCARD-PRE-2012-005
G. Franchetti and F. Zimmermann, New Approach to Resonance Crossing, submitted to, and published in, PRL 109, 234102 (2012), EuCARD-PUB-2012-009
F. Zimmermann, Future Possibilities for Precise Studies of X125 - Higgs Factories, CERN Colloquium, 22 November 2012, EuCARD-PRE-2012-002
F. Zimmermann, SAPPHiRE & LHeC, ICFA HF2012 workshop, FNAL, 16 November 2012, EuCARD-PRE-2012-006
F. Zimmermann, LEP3 and TLEP, ICFA HF2012 workshop, FNAL, 15 November 2012, EuCARD-PRE-2012-007
F. Zimmermann, Circular Higgs Factories - LEP3, TLEP & Sapphire, KEK Accelerator Laboratory Seminar, 6 November 2012
F. Zimmermann, Circular Higgs Factories - LEP3, TLEP & Sapphire, Invited Seminar, Oxford University, 1 November 2012, EuCARD-PRE-2012-003
E. Koukovini-Platia, G. De Michele, G. Rumolo, C. Zannini, Electromagnetic Characterization of Materials for the CLIC Damping Rings, Proc. ICAP'12 Warnemuende, 19-24 August 2012, p. 198, EuCARD-CON-2012-018
U. Niedermayer, O. Boine-Frankenheim, Numerical Calculation of Beam Coupling Impedances in the Frequency Domain using FIT, Proc. ICAP'12 Warnemuende, 19-24 August 2012, p.193, EuCARD-CON-2012-017
C. Zannini, G. Rumolo, EM Simulations in Beam Coupling Impedance Studies: Some Examples of Application, Proc. ICAP'12 Warnemuende, 19-24 August 2012, p. 190, ): EuCARD-CON-2012-016
G. Franchetti, F. Zimmermann, Space Charge and Electron Cloud Simulations, Proc. ICAP'12 Warnemuende, 19-24 August 2012, p. 130, EuCARD-CON-2012-020
T.L. Rijoff, F. Zimmermann, Simulating the Wire Compensation of LHC Long-Range Beam-beam Effects, Proc. ICAP'12 Warnemuende, 19-24 August 2012, p. 135, EuCARD-CON-2012-021
R. Assmann, Advanced Modeling and Measurements of LHC Beam Halo and Collimation, presentation at Proc. ICAP'12 Warnemuende, 19-24 August 2012, EuCARD-PRE-2012-001
G. Iadarola, G. Rumolo, Electron Cloud Simulations with PyECLOUD, Proc. ICAP'12 Warnemuende, 19-24 August 2012, p. 138, EuCARD-CON-2012-019
F. Zimmermann, The Future of Highest Energy Accelerators, Invited Talk, SLAC 50th Anniversary, Scientific Symposium, 24 August 2012
R. Assmann, A. Caldwell, M. Ferrario, J. Osterhoff, T. Tajima, H. Videau, On the Prospect and Vision of Ultra-High Gradient Plasma Accelerators for High Energy Physics, submitted to ESPG, EuCARD-REP-2012-009
F. Zimmermann, LHC - The Machine, Invited Talk, 40th SLAC Summer Institute, 26 July 2012
T. Rijoff, Testing Long Range Beam-Beam Compensation for the LHC Luminosity Upgrade, Master Thesis, University of Milano, July 2012, EuCARD-DIS-2012-003
F. Zimmermann, Status of the LHC and Future Plans, Seminar Physics & Technology of Particle Accelerators, TU Darmstadt, 25 June 2012
T. Kozak, D. Makowski, A. Napieralski, FMC-based Neutron and Gamma RadiationMonitoring Module for xTCA Applications (report of presentation), MixDes2012 conference, Warsaw, 24-26 May 2012, EuCARD-CON-2012-022
A. Mielczarek, D. Makowski, G. Jabłoński, P. Perek, A. Napieralski, Image Acquisition Module for uTCA Systems (report of presentation), MixDes2012 conference, Warsaw 24-26 May 2012, EuCARD-CON-2012-023
P. Perek, J. Wychowaniak, D. Makowski, M. Orlikowski, A. Napieralski, Image Visualisation and Processing in DOOCS and EPICS (report of presentation , report of 2nd presentation), MixDes2012 conference, Warsaw 24-26 May 2012, EuCARD-CON-2012-024
S. Bou Habib, D. Sikora, J. Szewinski, S. Korolczuk, Development of uTCA Hardware for BAM System at FLASH and XFEL (report of presentation), MixDes2012 conference, Warsaw 24-26 May 2012, EuCARD-CON-2012-025
R. Calaga, L. Ficcadenti, E. Métral, R. Tomás, J. Tückmantel, F. Zimmermann, Proton-Beam Emittance Growth in SPS Coasts, Proc. IPAC'12 New Orleans, 20-25 May 2012, p. 3737, EuCARD-CON-2012-011
F. Zimmermann, Y. Iwashita, Using Permanent Magnets to Boost the Dipole Field for the High-Energy LHC, Proc. IPAC'12 New Orleans, 20-25 May 2012, p. 3578, EuCARD-CON-2012-010
C.O. Domínguez, G. Arduini, E. Métral, G. Rumolo, F. Zimmermann, G. Iadarola, Monitoring the Progress of LHC Electron-Cloud Scrubbing by Benchmarking Simulations and Pressure-Rise Observations, Proc. IPAC'12 New Orleans, 20-25 May 2012, p. 3105, EuCARD-CON-2012-015
G. Franchetti, F. Zimmermann, The Effect of Non-Zero Closed Orbit on Electron-Cloud Pinch Dynamics, Proc. IPAC'12 New Orleans, 20-25 May 2012, p. 3033, EuCARD-CON-2012-014
F. Zimmermann, M. Koratzinos, A.P. Blondel, M. Zanetti, LEP3: A High Luminosity e+e− Collider in the LHC Tunnel to Study the Higgs Boson, Proc. IPAC'12 New Orleans, 20-25 May 2012, p. 2005, EuCARD-CON-2012-013
T. Rijoff, R. Steinhagen, F. Zimmermann, Simulation studies for LHC long-range beam-beam compensators, Proc. IPAC'12 New Orleans, 20-25 May 2012, p. 2002, EuCARD-CON-2012-012
T. Baer, R. Calaga, R. De Maria, S.D. Fartoukh, E. Jensen, R. Tomás, J. Tückmantel, J. Wenninger, B. Yee-Rendon, F. Zimmermann,Very Fast LHC Crab Cavity Failures and their Mitigation, Proc. IPAC'12 New Orleans, 20-25 May 2012, p. 121, EuCARD-CON-2012-008
F. Zimmermann, O. Bruning, Parameter Space for the LHC Luminosity Upgrade, Proc. IPAC'12 New Orleans, 20-25 May 2012, p. 127, EuCARD-CON-2012-009
J.L. Abelleira, S. Russenschuck, R. Tomás, F. Zimmermann, C. Milardi, M. Zobov, K. Ohmi, D.N. Shatilov, Local Chromatic Correction Scheme and Crab-waist Collisions for an Ultra-low β* at the LHC, Proc. IPAC'12 New Orleans, 20-25 May 2012, p. 118, EuCARD-CON-2012-007
G.H.I. Maury Cuna, G. Iadarola, G. Rumolo, F. Zimmermann, Simulation of electron-cloud heat load for the cold arcs of the large hadron collider, Proc. IPAC'12 New Orleans, 20-25 May 2012, p. 115, EuCARD-CON-2012-006
H. Maury Cuna, J.G. Contreras, F. Zimmermann, Simulations of electron-cloud heat load for the cold arcs of the CERN Large Hadron Collider and its high-luminosity upgrade scenarios, PRST-AB 15, 051001, May 2012, EuCARD-PUB-2012-003
M. Grecki, Joint Highlight Talk of WPs 4&10: Overview of the LLRF Developments for FLASH, 3rd EuCARD Annual Meeting, WUT, Warsaw, Poland, 27 April 2012
W. Scandale, UA9 Status Report, 25 April 2012, EuCARD-REP-2012-002
S. Fartoukh, Highlight Talk of WP4:The Achromatic Telescopic Squeezing scheme: first validations with beam in the LHC and very low beta* optics for HL-LHC, 3rd EuCARD Annual Meeting, WUT, Warsaw, Poland, 25 April 2012
G. Burt, Joint Highlight Talk of WPs 4&10: Compact Crab Cavities for LHC, 3rd EuCARD Annual Meeting, WUT, Warsaw, Poland, 25 April 2012
F. Zimmermann, Report of WP4: AccNet, 3rd EuCARD Annual Meeting, WUT, Warsaw, Poland, 25 April 2012
G. Arduini, R. Calaga, E. Ciapala, P. Collier, M. Giovannozzi, E. Jensen, J.-P. Koutchouk, P. McIntosh, E. Metral, S. Myers, V. Parma, J. Wenninger, F. Zimmermann, 5th LHC Crab Cavity Workshop, LHC-CC11 Workshop Summary Report, CERN-ATS-2012-055, EuCARD-PUB-2012-001, 5 April 2012
K. Ohmi, R. Tomas, Y. Funakoshi, R. Calaga, T. Ieiri, Y. Morita, K. Nakanishi, K. Oide, Y. Ohnishi, Y. Sun, M. Tobiyama, F. Zimmermann, Response of colliding beam-beam system to harmonic excitation due to crab-cavity rf phase modulation, PRST-AB 14, 111003, EuCARD-Pub-2012-002
R. Bartolini, O. Bruning, R. Calaga, D. Einfeld, M. Giovannozzi, J.-P. Koutchouk, C. Milardi, J. Safranek, R. Tomas, J. Wenninger, F. Zimmermann, Summary of the AccNet-EuCARD Workshop on Optics Measurements, Corrections and Modelling for High-Performance Storage Rings "OMCM," CERN, Geneva, 20-22 June 2011, EuCARD-CON-2012-004.
H. Maury Cuna, F. Zimmermann, Electron Cloud with Inverted Beam Screens, CERN-ATS-Note-2011-129 TECH, EuCARD-REP-2011-008, 6 December 2011
F. Zimmermann, EuCARD WP4 Accelerator Networks (pdf), Report at 9th EuCARD Steering Committee Meeting GSI Darmstadt, 1 December 2011
F. Zimmermann, Machine Progress Towards Higher Luminosity, CMS Upgrade Meeting, FNAL, Chicago, 7 November 2011
F. Zimmermann, Hadron Colliders, First Mexican Particle Accelerator School "MePAS," Guanajuato, 7 October 2011
O. Dominguez, U. Iriso, H. Maury, G. Rumolo, F. Zimmermann, Benchmarking Electron-Cloud Build-Up and Heat-Load Simulations against Large-Hadron-Collider Observations, Proc. MulCoPim2011 Valencia, 21-23 September 2011, EuCARD-PUB-2011-011.
H. Maury Cuna, G. Arduini, G. Rumolo, L. Tavian, F. Zimmermann, Simulation of Electron-Cloud Build-Up for the Cold Arcs of the LHC and Comparison with Measured Data, IPAC'11 San Sebastian, EuCARD-CON-2011-050
T. Baer, R. Calaga, R. Tomas, J. Tuckmantel, J. Wenninger, F. Zimmermann, LHC Machine Protection Against Very Fast Crab Cavity Failures, IPAC'11 San Sebastian, EuCARD-CON-2011-048
R. Cimino, A surface study on the origin of SEY reduction on accelerator walls, CERN, 29 July 2011
F. Zimmermann, Large Hadron Collider - Status & Future Plans, Kyoto University, Kyoto, 22 July 2011
F. Zimmermann, Large Hadron Collider - Status & Future Plans, Hiroshima University, East Hiroshima, 19 July 2011
F. Zimmermann, LHC Performance & Future Plans, KEK, 1 July 2011
F. Zimmermann, LHC Machine Status & Plans, ATLAS week, CERN, Geneva, 20 June 2011
F. Zimmermann, Status of EuCARD WP11.2.2 LHC Crab Waist, Input to 2nd EuCARD Annual Meeting, CNRS, Paris, 13 May 2011
G. Franchetti, Highlight Talk of WP4: Multiple Resonance Crossings with Space Charge and Electron Cloud, 2nd EuCARD Annual Meeting, CNRS, Paris, 11 May 2011
E. Todesco, Highlight Talk of WP4: Higher Energy LHC, 2nd EuCARD Annual Meeting, CNRS, Paris, 11 May 2011
R. Assmann, Special Highlight Talk of WP4: the New Laser and Plasma Acceleration Network, 2nd EuCARD Annual Meeting, CNRS, Paris, 22 May 2011
F. Zimmermann, Report of WP4: AccNet, 2nd EuCARD Annual Meeting, CNRS, Paris, 11 May 2011
F. Zimmermann, EuroLumi2 and/or AccNet2 in EuCARD2, ESGARD Meeting, CNRS, Paris, 10 May 2011
E. Todesco and F. Zimmermann (eds), The Higher-Energy Large Hadron Collider, Proceedings of the EuCARD-AccNet HE-LHC workshop, Malta, 14-16 October 2010, CERN, EuCARD-CON-2011-001
D. Shatilov, E. Levichev, E. Simonow, M. Zobov, Application of Frequency Map Analysis to Beam-Beam Effects Study in Crab Waist Collision Scheme, PRST-AB, 14, 014001 (2011) [WPs 4 & 11]
R. Calaga (BNL), S. Myers (CERN), F. Zimmermann (CERN), Summary of the 4th LHC Crab Cavity Workshop "LHC-CC10", EuCARD-REP-2011-001 (2011)
F. Zimmermann, HL-LHC: parameter space, constraints and possible options, Proc. Chamonix 2011 workshop on LHC performance, CERN-ATS-2011-005 (2011)
R. Calaga, T. Baer, J. Barranco, R. Tomas, J. Wenninger, B. Yee, F. Zimmermann, Beam Losses Due to Abrupt Crab Cavity Failures in the LHC, PAC11 New York, EuCARD-CON-2011-004
G. Rumolo, F. Zimmermann, and O. Boine-Frankenheim, Summary of EuCARD-AccNet CERN-GSI Workshop on Electron Cloud, CERN, Geneva, 7-8 March 2011, EuCARD-REP-2011-005
U. Iriso, Electron Clouds Thresholds with 75 ns Bunch Spacing (draft), 11 February 2011
G.X. Xia et al, A Proposed Experimental Test of Proton-Driven Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Based on CERN SPS, PAC2011 New York (2011)
F. Zimmermann, LHeC Linac-Ring Option (pdf), 2nd RFTech Workshop, PSI, 2-3 December 2010
R. Calaga, LHC Crabs, Status, US-LARP CM15 Collaboration Meeting, SLAC, 1-3 November 2010
F. Zimmermann, Outlook for PWA Experiments, KET Strategy Workshop, Dortmund, 25-26 October 2010
F. Zimmermann, EuCARD WP4 Accelerator Networks (pdf), Report at 5th EuCARD Steering Committee Meeting Malta, 11 October 2010
G.X. Xia et al, Update on Proton Driven Plasma Wakefield Acceleration, Proc. AAC’10, 13-19 June 2010, Annapolis, MD (2011)
B. Yee Rendon, Manual of Crab-Cavity Analysis Tools, Crab Cavity Voltage Calculation, Setting Up Simulations of Failure Scenarios for a Crab Cavity in the Nominal LHC, CERN, September 2010
B. Yee Rendon, Setting up Simulations of Failure Scenarios for a Crab Cavity in the Nominal LHC, CERN, 22 September 2010
K. Ohmi, Beam-Beam Studies for the High-Luminosity and High-Energy LHC Plus Related Issues for KEKB, 24 August 2010
F. Zimmermann, LHC Beyond 2020, KEK Accelerator Seminar, Kobayashi Hall, 14 July 2010
Tomasz Kozak, AMC Radiation Monitoring Module for ATCA/µTCA Based Low Level RF Control System, 17th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (word summary), MIXDES 2010, Wroclaw, 24-26 June 2010
Piotr Perek, ATCA Carrier Board with Dedicated IPMI Controller (1) (word summary), MIXDES 2010, Wroclaw, 26-27 June 2010
Pawel Predki, ATCA Carrier Board with Dedicated IPMI Controller (2) (word summary), MIXDES 2010, Wroclaw, 26-27 June 2010
Adam Piotrowski, PCIExpress Hot-Plug Mechanism in Linux-based ATCA Control Systems (word summary), MIXDES 2010, Wroclaw, 26-27 June 2010
Konrad Przygoda, Power Supply Unit for ATCA-based Piezo Compensation System (word summary), MIXDES 2010, Wroclaw, 26-27 June 2010
Samer Bou Habib, Design of Eight-channel ADC Card for GHz Signal Conversion (word summary), MIXDES 2010, Wroclaw, 26-27 June 2010
Jan Wychowaniak, Application for Management and Monitoring of xTCA Hardware (word summary), MIXDES 2010, Wroclaw, 26-27 June 2010
K Czuba, M Ladno, AMC Timing receiver and clock synthetizer module for the LLRF system, Proceedings of MIXDES 2010 Conference, pages 129-132.
M Grecki, Sub-LSB DAC resolution enhancement applied to LLRF control, Proceedings of MIXDES 2010 Conference, pages 157.
F. Zimmermann, Machine Plans for Upgrades - SLHC-type Luminosities - Issues and Solutions, CMS Upgrade Week, CERN, 29 April 2010
A. Caldwell, Proton Driven Plasma Wakefield Acceleration, AccNet Highlight Talk at First Annual EuCARD Meeting, RAL, UK, 14 April 2010
R. Calaga, LHC Crab Cavities, AccNet Highlight Talk at First Annual EuCARD Meeting, RAL, UK, 14 April 2010
F. Zimmermann, Report from EuCARD WP4 - Accelerator Networks, First Annual EuCARD Meeting, RAL, UK, 14 April 2010
F. Zimmermann, AccNet, First Annual AccNet Meeting, RAL, UK, 13 April 2010
F. Zimmermann, Ingredients (necessary ones and desirable one) of a phase II upgrade, LHC Upgrade Task Force, 26 February 2010
F. Zimmermann, Phase-2 Scenarios, LHCC Upgrade Review, 16 February 2010
F. Zimmermann, Parameter space beyond 1034 (paper), LHC Performance Workshop, Chamonix, 25-29 January 2010
F. Zimmermann, Update on LHC Upgrade Plans, ATLAS Upgrade Week, CERN, Tuesday 10 November 2009
P. Drabik, K. Pozniak, Object oriented programming environment for reconfigurable applications implemented in FPGA chips
L. Dymanowski, K. Lewandowksi, M. Linczuk, A project of universal computing platform - cluster of floating point DSP processors (Projekt uniwersalnej platformy obliczeniowej - klastra zmiennoprzecinkowych procesorów DSP)
K. Pozniak, T. Stanislawski, W. Zabolotny, W. Koehler, F. Stephan, S. Simrock, Indirect method of measuring changes of EM field in RF-gun cavity for XFEL accelerator (Pośrednia metoda pomiaru zmian pola we wnęce działa elektronowego akceleratora XFEL)
T. Stanislawksi, T. Czarski, K. Pozniak, R. Romaniuk, Conditioning of complex envelope signal from FLASH accelerator cavities (Kondycjonowanie sygnału obwiedni zespolonej z wnęk akceleratora FLASH)
H. Bialkowska, M. Bluj, K. Bunkowski, et al, Electronic system of the RPC Muon Trigger in CMS experiment at LHC accelerator (Elektroniczny system trygera mionowego RPC w eksperymencie CMS akceleratora LHC
J. Glowka, M. Macias, K. Czuba, K. Pozniak, R. Romaniuk, Stanowisko testowe z miedzianą strukturą typu TESLA (Test stand with copper TESLA structure)
J. Gajda, R. Romaniuk, Development of laser technology in Poland
R. Romaniuk, Photonics and Web Engineering: WILGA 2009 (EuCARD WP2?)
F. Zimmermann, Summary of the LHC-CC09 Crab-Cavity Advisory Board Meeting
R. Calaga, F. Zimmermann et al, Summary of the 3rd LHC Crab Cavity Workshop (LHC-CC09)
F. Zimmermann, Update on LHC Upgrade Plans, ATLAS Upgrade Week, CERN, Tuesday 10 November 2009
F. Zimmermann, A. Variola, W. Scandale, EuCARD WP4 Accelerator Networks (pdf), Report at 3rd EuCARD Steering Committee Meeting Frascati, 4 November 2009
Y.-P. Sun, R. Assmann, R. Tomás, and F.Zimmermann, Crab dispersion and its impact on the CERN Large Hadron Collider collimation, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 13, 031001 (2010)
Y.-P. Sun, B. Auchmann, S. Fartoukh, M. Giovannozzi, S. Russenschuck, R. Tomas, F. Zimmermann, Impact of CMS Stray Field on the Large Hadron Collider Beam Dynamics and Thin Solenoid in SixTrack, LHC-Project-Note-426; CERN-LHC-Project-Note-426 (2009)
Yi-Peng Sun, Ralph Assmann, Javier Barranco, Rogelio Tomás, Thomas Weiler, Frank Zimmermann, Rama Calaga, Akio Morita (森田 æ˜å¤«), Beam dynamics aspects of crab cavities in the CERN Large Hadron Collider, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 12, 101002 (2009)
G. Sterbini, An Early Separation Scheme for the LHC Luminosity Upgrade, Lausanne : EPFL, 2009, CERN-THESIS-2009-136 Thèse N. 4574, 27 November 2009
Krzysztof Czuba, Timing and Synchronization (Tutorial/Overview), LLRF09, Tsukuba, 19-22 October 2009
M. Grecki, Piezo Control for LFD Compensation, LLRF09, Tsukuba, 19-22 October 2009
Waldemar Koprek, ACTA-based LLRF System for XFEL - Demonstration at FLASH, LLRF09, Tsukuba, 19-22 October 2009
F. Zimmermann, LHC Accelerator, Heidelberg Graduate Days, Heidelberg 5 October 2009
C. Bhat, LPA Scheme for the LHC Luminosity Upgrade (updated pdf), CERN Accelerator Physics Forum 13 August 2009
H. Maury Cuna, Study of the Heat Load due to the Electron Cloud in the LHC and in Higher-Luminosity LHC Extensions (shortened English version), Master Thesis U. Merida, August 2009
H. Maury Cuna, Study of the Electron Cloud Heat Load in the LHC, CERN LCU Meeting, 28 July 2009
F. Zimmermann, CERN Upgrade Plans for the LHC and Its Injectors (paper), EPS HEP2009, Krakow, 17 July 2009
F. Zimmermann, CERN Accelerator Projects and Future Plans, DESY Seminar, 30 June 2009
CERN Academic Training Lectures: Scenarios and Technological Challenges for a LHC Luminosity Upgrade: 1. Introduction to the LHC Upgrade Program and Summary of Physics Motivations [Lyn Evans, Michelangelo Mangano]; 2. The Detector Upgrade and the Requirements on the Upgrade Scenarios [Marzio Nessi ]; 3. Scenarios for the LHC Luminosity Upgrade [Frank Zimmermann]; 4. Main Accelerator Science Challenges [Lucio Rossi, Joachim Tuckmantel]; 5. Main Accelerator Science Challenges [Ralph Assmann, Roland Garoby]
C. Bhat et al, Stabilizing Effect of a Double-Harmonic RF System in the CERN PS, PAC'09 Vancouver
R. Calaga et al, Status of LHC Crab Cavity Simulations and Beam Studies, PAC'09 Vancouver
Y.-P. Sun et al, Tune Shift Due to Crossing Collision and Crab Collision, PAC'09 Vancouver
Y.-P. Sun et al, Study with One Local Crab Cavity at IR4 for LHC, PAC'09 Vancouver
J.P. Koutchouk, F. Zimmermann, LHC Upgrade Scenarios (slides), PAC'09 Vancouver