AccNet is an integrated
network that will coordinate the activities of the European accelerator
communities in order to guide significant upgrades of European research
accelerator infrastructures and to prepare the way for new infrastructures,
within a time scale of four years. In particular AccNet aims at realizing
the full potential of the future hadron collider
LHC, at optimizing the upgrades of other high-energy hadron and
electron facilities (GSI/FAIR,
PSI, LHC injector complex, FLASH, CTF3), at advancing
novel extremely bright light sources (XFEL), and at laying the foundation for a
future linear collider (ILC or CLIC).
AccNet includes two distinct
networks as tasks. They aim at providing a platform for information exchange and collaboration between
different joint research activities and the various presently separated
communities (e.g. proton and electron accelerators; magnet designers and
collimation experts; FLASH upgrade, XFEL, CLIC and ILC technology;
LHC upgrade; European industry, European
universities and laboratories).
To meet these goals, the tasks will
organize annual workshops and topical mini-workshops, participate to related
events in other projects or context, support exchange of experts, propose and
follow-up beam experiment results to improve the knowledge and involve largely
students and fellows. The results will be disseminated by journal publications
and by seminars at partner institutes, conferences, and European universities,
and via web documentation, e.g. web databases. The participation shall be
largely open inside and outside the consortium.