From:                                         Wolfgang Weingarten

Sent:                                           Monday, March 30, 2009 6:17 PM

To:                                               Jean-Marie De Conto

Cc:                                               Mariusz Grecki; Frank Zimmermann; Jean-Pierre Koutchouk

Attachments:                          Grecki_RFTech.pdf; Weingarten_SRF.pdf; RFTECH travel to workshops and conferences


Dear Jean-Marie,


Here is my ultrashort version of the minutes of today’s meeting. Cheers, Wolfgang



J.M. De Conto, F. Zimmermann, W. Weingarten, M. Grecki, J.P. Koutchouk


There were two presentations (attached, EuCARD tesk 10 kickoff meeting, SRF subtask of RFTECH network activity)


Concerning organisational issues, it was announced that Accnet steering meetings will be organized twice per year. The three RFTech coordinators are participants.


The Accnet networking may join the annual EuCard meetings.


The SRF subtask should call for a meeting with those interested in conjunction with the annual WP 10 (SRF) meetings of EuCARD (2 ... 3 days) and/or with the WP10 steering meetings (every 6 months), whatever convenient.


The participation in RFTech is open, only mailing lists should be maintained (for an update, c.f. attached mail).


The money of RFtech is distributed. The WP coordinators will have their share available end of May.


Outreach and communication issues (including WEB page) will be decided on the next meeting, upon input from JM De Conto and JP Koutchouk.


The EC officer asks for financial support for conferences only that are directly related to the Accnet activities (c.f. attached mail).


The next meeting is scheduled as videoconference for 3 June 2009, 9h00.